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comparison with other programs

Comparison With other programs

The comparison between tutoring systems below are a guide only. You should conduct your own research to identify differences between tutoring systems .

The following table illustrates the differences between Mathletics and the Kinetic Maths and English Wiz

Mathletics  Kinetic
Lessons to understand concepts Limited yes
Questions yes yes
Ability to move up and down to any  level No yes
English No yes
Maths Doctor diagnostic assessment No yes
Ability to identify and fill gaps in a structured manner No yes
Set up classwork individually . In groups , whole class yes yes
Active screen to monitor students in class No Yes
NAPLAN preparation No Yes
Extension track No Yes
Worded Problems No yes
One to One Tutor Support No Yes
Homework/Assignment Support No yes
Weekly Lessons Plans No Yes
Installation support no Yes
Technical Support No Yes
Specific to your state curriculum Yes yes

The following table illustrates the differences between MathsOnLine and the Kinetic Maths and English Wiz

Mathsonline Kinetic
Lessons to understand concepts YES YES
Questions YES YES
Ability to move up and down to any  level YES YES
Online questions ( not worksheets) NO YES
English NO YES
Mathsdoctor diagnostic assessment NO YES
Homework YES NO
Set up ability groups No YES
 set up classwork individually . In groups , whole class YES YES
Active screen to monitor students in class YES YES
NAPLAN preparation No YES
Availability of lessons from year 3 for support gps No YES
One to One Tutor Support No YES
Homework /Assignment help from actual tutor No YES
Technical Support No YES
Training No YES
Installation  Help No YES
Weekly Lesson Plan No YES
Your States Curriculum YES YES
Primary Level ( kindy to year 6) No YES

Is the Kinetic Maths and English Wiz package as good as face-to-face tuition? How does it compare?

Tutoring Maths and English Wiz package
Focus on teaching current grade Focus on Filling knowledge gaps from current grade down to kindergarten
Focus on revising all lessons Focus on filling knowledge gaps
Weekly Lesson Plan Incomplete lessons in current week will automatically be added to the next week
Student required to sit for sessions of at least an hour> Tutoring sessions can be as little as 15 mins or as long the student wants
Have to either take kids to the tutor centres or tutor needs to come home.( Therefore sessions shorter than 1 hour not practical) Can get tutored from home
Minimum 1 hour sessions may not be suitable for smaller kids with a short attention span and kids with attention deficiency Very suitable for small kids and kids with attention deficiency as online lessons take only 5 to 8 mins to complete. Also tutoring sessions can be short sessions of 15 mins
You need to pay for each child’s tutoring session All kids in a family can use the program at one cost
Parents can normally afford only one tutoring session per week Every kid in your family is eligible for upto 10 hours of tutoring sessions a week
The Tutor is in control of the sessions and parents have no idea about what goes on in these tutoring sessions Parents get monthly reports. Parents are able to view daily usage reports and logs. The Maths Doctor assessment report gives parents a clear idea
The parents play no role in the sessions 1800 free call provided for parents to discuss to discuss performance and goals
Normally group sessions. One to one sessions can be expensive MathsDoctor assesses and creates an individual report of knowledge gaps
No assistance for assignments or homework given One to one tutoring support for assignments and homework
Normally one hour session a week Recommended 30 minutes 3 times a week
Statistics show that a lesson takes about 45 mins to learn in face to face sessions Lessons take a maximum of 15 mins learning online